Sunday Morning
The Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
October 13, 2024
Morning Prayer Hybrid Service
10:45am Sunday School 10:30am
Assisting in Liturgy Leader - Lynn Schauer-Bewley
Readers/Eucharistic Ministers - Steve Clark
Altar Guild - Cindy Harrington & Liz Pless
Music Director - Joe Breczka
Music Associate - Evan Bleiler
Video Producer - Natalie Beilein
October 13 Hybrid Bulletin
Zoom Link for Services
If prompted, the Zoom password is Ontario
If you have never used Zoom before, when you click on the link, you will be asked to download the software. You then will be asked if you want to use computer audio or phone (computer is better if you have that capability.) And you will be asked if you want to open the video to let us see you. Downloading the software will take about 10 minutes.
If prompted, the Zoom password is Ontario
If you have never used Zoom before, when you click on the link, you will be asked to download the software. You then will be asked if you want to use computer audio or phone (computer is better if you have that capability.) And you will be asked if you want to open the video to let us see you. Downloading the software will take about 10 minutes.
-- Announcements --
Happy Birthday!
Oct 13 Steve Clark
Oct 14 Callie Hilbig
Oct 18 Alexander Gallo, Pauline Wright
Oct 19 Jean Mayer
Bridge Closure & Parking
The bridge on Wilson-Burt Road will be closed later this month, so please access our parking lot using the West Creek entrance only. The work should be completed by fish fry season.
Altar Flower Donations
If you would like to donate flowers for the Sunday Altar, please reserve your date on the Flower Chart (Narthex Bulletin Board) and submit a check to Jackie Jordan for $50, payable to Cindy Davis.