Stewardship 2024
But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare. Jeremiah 29:7 (paraphrased)
Dear St. Andrew’s Family,
Our mission at St. Andrew’s is to seek to share the unconditional love of God. Our vision is to share God’s love with a faith and outreach presence that is welcoming to all. This past spring our book study frequently brought up that a parish must look outward to reach and find ways to support the community we are part of. Therefore we, as your Stewardship Team, felt called to have this year's focus be “Connecting with Community”. Community includes many circles that often overlap; there are communities within our church in our different ministry groups, the local community in which we live and work, and our larger regional Episcopal community. We have a strong tradition of focusing on community; from our Fish Fry, Easter Egg Hunt, and Adopted Families, to name just a few. As a faith family we also support each other through the ups and downs of life as we pray together during our Sunday Service, catch up over coffee and a treat. Supporting our parish and our larger community requires time, talent, dedication, and financing. Your commitment to St. Andrew’s in the form of a momentary pledge supports our many connections to our community, allows us to explore new outreaches, and deepens support for our time honored faith traditions. We invite you to prayerfully consider how God is calling you to contribute your talents, time, and treasure to support our parish mission, ultimately “Connecting with Community”. Please plan to join us for a light breakfast, sharing, and worship on Sunday October 22nd at 10:45 am as we explore “Connecting with Community” during our Stewardship Ingathering. Video broadcasting will also be available for this service for those who wish to join us from home. You may return your Giving Card either in person in the weekly offering plate, directly to the Church office, or by submitting it online through the Google form that will arrive in your email. To help us assist with financial planning we ask that you promptly turn in your pledge by November 1st. With hope, faith, and love, Sarah, Lynn, and Pam Stewardship Committee |
Online Giving Form
Complete the form below, or complete the paper form that you received in the mail. Paper forms are also available on the narthex table. |