Join Us Sunday Mornings at 10:45
Stewardship 2025 |
In The Know
Be sure to follow and "Like" St.Andrew's on Facebook for more information, announcements and inspiration!
For Any Pastoral Concerns, Including Prayer List Additions,
Please Contact Jackie at 716.553.9748
Happy Birthday!
Feb 10 Keith Rhodes Feb 11 Sean Kelahan, Sam Payne Feb 12 Dawn Croisdale, Jocie Lyon Feb 13 Janice Wilson Thank you to everyone that donated to the ERD CA Wildfire Response Fund. St Andrew’s raised $638 for this important ministry!
Warden Email Address Jerry Harrington has a new email address. He will be using [email protected] as the primary way for you to email him and he to email you. Please update your contact lists. Pledge Envelopes Anyone that has not turned in a pledge card, but would like 2025 offering envelopes or Sunday School envelopes, please contact the office and a set will be assigned to you. Altar Flowers Now that we are in Epiphany, altar flowers may be reserved each Sunday in honor of, or in memory of, or in thanksgiving for the special people and events in our lives. Please write your name on the Flower Calendar (near the elevator bulletin board) with the wording you want to appear in the bulletin. Then make a check payable to CINDY DAVIS for $60 and give the check to Jackie Jordan to order the flowers. |
Submit your Grat Ads by doing one of the following:
-- Pick up a form in the Narthex and submit to Shawn or Lynn
-- Download and print the PDF and turn into Shawn or Lynn
-- Complete the form below and hit submit :)
-- Pick up a form in the Narthex and submit to Shawn or Lynn
-- Download and print the PDF and turn into Shawn or Lynn
-- Complete the form below and hit submit :)
~ St. Andrew's seeks to share the unconditional love of God ~
Virtual & In-Person Sunday Service: 10:45 am
Sunday School: 10:30 am
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Wilson-Burt & West Creek Roads, Burt, New York 14028
Our Vision: "We seek to share God's Love with a faith and outreach presence that is welcoming to all."
Virtual & In-Person Sunday Service: 10:45 am
Sunday School: 10:30 am
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Wilson-Burt & West Creek Roads, Burt, New York 14028
Our Vision: "We seek to share God's Love with a faith and outreach presence that is welcoming to all."
updated 2.9.25