PARISH PICNIC 2019 ~ New Members Welcome!
Mark and I would like to host a picnic for all of St. Andrew’s. It’s been awhile since we gathered out side the church building. It will be Sunday, August 4th after church or when ever you get there. We will put a sign up sheet in the narthex or you may email or text your RSVP.
There is a cost of $3 per person. Kids 10 and under are free.
We will provide:
- hamburgers, hot dogs and buns
- all condiments
- all paper and plastic products
- and hopefully great weather (say your prayers)
You will bring:
- a dish to pass
- your lawn chairs
- your own alcohol or nonalcoholic beverages
- and any lawn toys
Any questions - please call 219-4035 (H) or Meg's cell 534-9873
1461 Sunrise Lane * Youngstown
Meg and Mark Whitmore
There is a cost of $3 per person. Kids 10 and under are free.
We will provide:
- hamburgers, hot dogs and buns
- all condiments
- all paper and plastic products
- and hopefully great weather (say your prayers)
You will bring:
- a dish to pass
- your lawn chairs
- your own alcohol or nonalcoholic beverages
- and any lawn toys
Any questions - please call 219-4035 (H) or Meg's cell 534-9873
1461 Sunrise Lane * Youngstown
Meg and Mark Whitmore